Tuesday, January 8, 2008

on top of the spandex, all covered with cheese.

it's back. the lights, the obstacles, the spandex, the cheese..........the hulk. that's right ladies and gentlemen, american gladiators is making a comeback. i guess nbc thought that this decade needed its fair share. seriously, are the 2000's really THAT jealous of the 90's?

my husband is most partial to "wolf", a wild-haired gladiator that looks like he needs a good soap scrubbin'. personally, i don't have a favorite, but that tribal guy freaks the crap out of me.

with that said, the show could learn quite a bit from ninja warrior (shown on G4). a lot more action and a lot less talking. i don't need to know how it felt to just take a 20 foot plunge in the water, nor do i need to know how you are feeling about an upcoming challenge. we watch because we want to see action. we want to see somebody get slammed to the ground. we want to see the gladiators in all their cheesy glory. we don't want to see someone get hurt, but we don't mind if they come close. and if they do, we want to see it again.

do racing fans watch Nascar for 300 boring laps of smooth driving? don't kid yourself, they watch for the crashes.

spandex and cheese. mmm mmmm good.

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